ZGiRLS Parent Toolkit: How To Help Your Daughter Be Nicer To Herself

Have you noticed your daughter being too hard on herself, saying things like:

  • “I'm bad at this.”

  • “I'm not good enough.”

  • “I'm so dumb.”

We call statements like these—ones that insinuate fixed characteristics that are untrue and harmful—negative labels. These destructive thoughts can have a huge impact on her sense of self-worth.

Our free Overcoming Negative Labels download guides parents like you with helpful insights and practical suggestions on how to support your daughter in getting past these limiting beliefs about herself… because how you talk to and about yourself MATTERS!

What exactly IS self-worth and how is it different from self-esteem?

Self-esteem and self-worth empower girls with the confidence and resilience needed to navigate the world.

Self-esteem involves trusting her own abilities and feeling confident, whether she's speaking up in class or trying out for a sports team.

Self-worth goes deeper. It's about valuing herself as a person, independent of achievements or others' opinions. It's an internal sense of being good enough and deserving of love and respect simply for being who she is.

Unfortunately, many tween and teen girls seek validation from peers and popular culture instead of within themselves.

When your daughter is being too hard on herself and loses sight of her inherent worth, her confidence dips drastically. This can lead to self-limiting behaviors, such as quitting challenging activities, doubting her ability to improve, avoiding challenges, or failing to advocate for herself.

Helping her overcome negative self-talk and harmful labels is crucial to boost both her self-worth and self-esteem!

Raising tween and teen girls can be hard. That’s where we come in. ZGiRLS equips girls ages 11-14 with the mental health tools & perspectives they need in order to thrive with confidence and resilience.

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, we’re committed to service by enriching girls’ lives through our online program that addresses their biggest anxieties.


What To Do If You Suspect Your Daughter Is Self-Harming


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