3 Effective Mental Strategies For Teens To Overcome Challenges

Brave girl

Most of us hate feeling nerves. In fact, we are often taught to avoid those uncomfortable sensations. The tingles in your fingers, belly aches, light-headed, restricted chest, increased heart rate, or sweaty palms…ya, honestly, I’d rather just run, hide, and shy away. Why would I want to experience those unwanted feelings?

When you get nervous, your body is actually elevating and preparing for an increased level of alertness and energy. Often referred to as “fight or flight.”

What if you could learn to harness that elevation and leaned into it with curiosity?

Instead of resisting and fighting it, which often leads to more nerves... what if you embraced it to explore what happens on the other side of the experience?

Have you ever noticed that the first time you do something really scary your nerves and body sensations are at an all-time high? Then, more often than not, the second and third time you do it the nerves subside and it gets easier each time.

If I think back on the most profound and rewarding experiences in my life, I was always bumping up against my fears and nerves.

So, if nerves and fear are a prerequisite to excellence, here are some strategies you can use to step forward bravely:

Focus on one calming strategy

Depending on how you feel in your body, find a calming strategy that works best to ease some of your “nervous” symptoms. Maybe it’s taking 5 really deep, slow, and intentional breaths. It could be listening to your favorite song, reciting 3 positive affirmations out loud, or dancing and moving your body. Find the best way for you to relax your body and break free from the sometimes paralyzing symptoms of being “nervous.” Remember, you want to work with your nerves rather than against them.

Recognize & acknowledge the feeling

Recognize the fact that your nerves and fear aren’t going to go away. That’s not the point. They’re going to hang out there with you until you start whatever it is that’s making you nervous. So, if that’s the case, acknowledge what you’re feeling.

“Hi Fear, I see you and I feel you elevating my heart rate. I’m going to use this energy to perform my best and give it everything I have. I’m nervous because I care. Thank you for riding this with me.”

Bravely step forward

Guess what? You can do hard things even when you’re nervous!

You’ve done it before and you can do it again. Quickly take a second to recall how you felt the last time you did something scary. What did it feel when you were done? Probably pretty great!

Now…take that step forward, walk onto the stage, try out for the team...and be transformed by what you find on the other side of your fear.

But wait, there’s more! Learn how ZGiRLS can equip your daughter with the confidence to channel her greatness while navigating life’s challenges.


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