Lucie, 18
“It’s five years later, and I still think about ZGiRLS and use those skills in almost every decision I make”
Lucie, now 18, participated in ZGiRLS in 2019.
It’s hard to believe, but it’s been five years since I completed ZGiRLS.
Now, I’m a senior in high school and life is busy with college applications!
One thing about me: I really love to learn. I even don’t mind homework. It’s not exactly the most popular passion for a high schooler, and sometimes I’ve felt judged for it.
But thanks to my ZGiRLS experience in middle school, I have the confidence to remind myself,“This is what makes me, me.”
It wasn’t always that easy.
During my freshman year, I struggled with my mental health pretty severely. For almost a year, I didn’t feel like myself and I couldn’t pinpoint why.
One day, my mom asked, “What did ZGiRLS teach you?”
I remember pulling out my ZGiRLS workbooks and notes, including the goals I’d written for myself. Looking through that box and remembering that time in my life was really helpful. I saw that I still had so much to look forward to. That’s when I realized I needed help and started to turn things around.
The lessons I learned through ZGiRLS reminded me how much I have to offer the world.
I began using ZGiRLS tools again, like tracking my daily accomplishments. Just writing down things every day, even little things like getting out of bed, talking to a friend, or getting a good grade, helped me so much. It reminded me that every day, there’s something to be proud of.
It wasn’t a quick fix, but I slowly started feeling like me: secure, confident, and happy. 💛
ZGiRLS taught me that confidence and self-acceptance aren’t things you achieve once—they can go up and down like a roller coaster. And that’s normal.
At 18, confidence means something very different to me than it did at 13. Back then, it was about walking into a room and hoping everyone liked me.
Now, confidence is about having the self-worth to be okay if not everyone does. It's about feeling secure in who I am and in my ambitions.
What I’m most proud of right now: Beyond tackling my college applications, I’ve rediscovered the joy of gymnastics (that’s a whole other story). Practices now feel lighter and more fulfilling.
My future goals: I can’t wait to start college next year!
As I get ready for new challenges, I carry the ZGiRLS tools with me every day. I’m really, really grateful for the foundation it gave me.
Lucie, posing with a ZGiRLS hat, in 2019.
As part of ZGiRLS’ A Decade of Confidence end-of-year giving campaign, we’re proud to share stories from program alumnae whose lives were changed because of supporters like you:
Mecca, a 1-year alum, unleashed her creative spark.
Lucie, a 5-year alum, reclaimed her self-worth.
Katie, a 10-year alum, built a mental resilience to match her physical talents.
These stories—spanning years and life stages—prove one thing: your gift makes a lasting impact.
You become a hero in their stories with every dollar donated, and the need has never been greater to support girls’ empowerment.
Join us in helping the next generation live with zero self-limitations.